The 2021 AGM of Morton Club Together Ltd is soon to be held with the intention that it will take place towards the end of August. We are delighted that since our last AGM on 30th September 2020 our membership numbers have continued to increase. In addition, MCT are also imminently on the verge of taking ownership of the club. This is an exciting time for MCT and Morton as we look to the future.
Whether the 2021 AGM is conducted in person or online will depend on the Covid restrictions at that time, and we will advise you nearer the time of the arrangements and agreed date.
As part of the planning for the AGM there is important information and opportunities for members noted below. Please do take the time to read the information as it is important.
Amendment to Articles
We are seeking any proposed amendments to our articles. You can view our full articles on Companies House website. As some of you may recall, one of the proposed amendments, to do with disposal of shares in Greenock Morton, was defeated last year and we undertook to present a similar but tighter proposal at the next meeting. We will be making that proposal as a board to the general meeting.
MCT Directors
It is important to highlight that two of our current directors will be standing down at the AGM as per our Articles, and we are keen that members are given the opportunity to replace these Directors. Any member can stand as a Director of MCT. To commence the process, we would ask any interested member to send a note of interest, along with an introductory bio or CV, to
One of the team will respond to all enquiries with some relevant information on how the process works and to give some background on the time and input which is required to be a Director of MCT.
As stated, any MCT member may stand as a Director, however we would particularly welcome any members who may have the following skills or experience:
Financial Management; Corporate Governance; Legal Experience, Sports Management, Marketing and Communications; Fund Raising; Community and Third Sector partnership working; Human Resources; Facility Management; Property Design & Development; Project Management or General Management Experience
Associate Directors
With the imminent change in ownership through Morton Club Together (MCT) there is a desire to strengthen the democracy and decision making at MCT and to widen the involvement of members in running MCT. As a result, we are introducing a new role of Associate Director, and would welcome any interest from members in becoming an Associate Director of MCT.
The Associate Director role is about allowing the opportunity for future development of individuals by appointing interested people to work with the MCT Directors going forward.
An Associate will not have the same responsibilities and decision making as a Director but will be involved in discussions, be able to influence decisions and see at close hand how MCT and GMFC operates. This would potentially ensure that if there are unforeseen situations where vacancies at GMFC or MCT are available that people with the understanding of what is required can assist by potentially filling these vacancies.
This does not necessarily mean that future vacancies at GMFC or MCT can only be filled by existing MCT Directors or Associates Directors as there may be specific vacancies where the requirements are specialised and where existing Directors or Associates are unable to meet these needs. However, we see the Associate Directors as being part of the pathway for members to be actively involved with the general running of both MCT and GMFC in the longer term.
If anyone is interested in being an Associate Director we would encourage members to submit a short introductory bio or CV to
Associate Directors will be appointed after the AGM therefore, any applications for Associate Director will be open until 30th July 2021.