
Your Questions & Answers

Being a membership organisation, we are always happy to answer any questions you may have.

We have pulled together a short Q&A covering some of the key questions about MCT, so if you have something you would like clarified before joining, click the button below to dive into our Q&A where your question has hopefully been answered.  

There will inevitably be more questions though, so please do continue to ask these and we will continue to provide answers.
  • What is the minimum contribution to join MCT?

    The minimum contribution to join is £10 per month.

  • As a member of MCT, what do I get?

    By becoming a member of MCT, the first thing you get is being a member of the largest shareholder in Greenock Morton.  MCT operates a one member one vote policy, regardless of your contributions.  In addition, there are other benefits such as a discount on season tickets.  The key thing is that you will be contributing to move Morton forward.

  • Will I get a vote on managerial appointments and player signings?

    No, these will be the responsibility of the Greenock Morton board and management.  While we will aim to give members a say in as much as possible, decisions around players, management and day to day running of the club would be unmanageable as full membership decisions.

  • Is relying on personal donations from members sustainable?

    We believe it can and will be.  During the 2020/21 season, MCT were contributing £10,000 per month to the Greenock Morton first team budget.  It is our hope that this will at least be maintained, this is a £120,000 boost to the finances from members alone.  We also have patron income of £50,000 per season secured in addition to this.  We will be striving to make the club as sustainable as possible, and it is our hope that member contributions will supplement this and allow us to spend on capital projects beyond the first team like stadium improvements. 

  • How many members do we need?

    As above, there is no real magic number with this.  The more members we have contributing the stronger we will be.

  • What about the Youth Academy?

    We see the academy as both another strong tie to the community, and a great resource for producing talent for the first team. There is no doubt that good young players who are academy graduates get stronger support from the fans as “he’s one of our own”. We would like to see the academy continue to thrive.  At the end of last season, we had several academy graduates featuring in the first team which is a great sign for the future.

  • How will MCT be represented on the Greenock Morton Board?

    MCT will always have a controlling majority on the Greenock Morton board.  The MCT representatives on the club board are Graham McLennan, Gordon Ritchie, Stewart Farmer and Graham Barr.

  • If a lottery winner wants to buy the club, what happens?

    MCT would require to hold a general meeting to discuss this offer before accepting it. The money would then be distributed to members on an equitable basis, as decided by that meeting.

  • What have we learned from other clubs?

    We have had an incredible amount of support and advice from so many other clubs that are either wholly or partly fan owned.  One of the most helpful groups has been the St Mirren Independent Supporters Association. From the launch of MCT, these groups have offered their advice about funding, structure, liaison with the club, marketing, supporter liaison etc. We genuinely could fill a book with the advice given, and everyone at MCT is very grateful for that help.

  • Are the Rae family still involved in Morton?

    In simple terms, no. The Rae family have passed the club over to the fans.  The only link which remains is that Golden Casket own the car park which Morton will lease.

  • What's the current situation with Cappielow and ownership, now that the takeover has happened?

    A new company structure consisting of three linked limited companies now exists. A limited company is treated as a separate legal entity, and so although the three companies are linked, they are still three separate bodies.

    The parent company is MCT Ltd - the same company that MCT members have been contributing to. There is now a new mid-level limited company, which owns the stadium. This property company is 100% owned by MCT. The third company is Greenock Morton Football Club Ltd. That company owns the SFA and League registration and membership.

    Under this system, if the football club runs into financial difficulties, any creditors or administrator cannot get their hands on the stadium, as it is not an asset of the club.

    As a result, GMFC Ltd no longer owns Cappielow. However, it did not (from a practical point of view) own Cappielow before the takeover. At that point, although the club held title to the stadium, there were securities in place for the club debts which meant that, effectively, Golden Casket controlled the stadium. Currently, the stadium is owned by the membership of MCT.

Ready to Join?

If you're ready to become the latest member of Morton Club Together simply click the button below to go to our easy sign up page. You can select from a number of different monthly pledge amounts or choose your own.

Each new membership makes us stronger.

Click the button below to get started!

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